Facebook & Instagram Advertising

How to get bada$ results with Facebook in Instagram Advertising? 

At Pixel Agency, we go after great results with accurate targeting, attention-grabbing creative, a sales process that leads your clients to end conversion, accurate retargeting and constant optimisation of advertising campaigns.


Whom are you advertising to?


Get attention of the right audience


Sales process that makes your client buy your stuff


Conversion tracking and reactivation


Constant optimization
The best way to reach you target audience

Whom are you advertising to?

People with pets? Couples that travel a lot and do yoga? Young families? Golf enthusiasts, older than 50?

With accurate targeting we can help you reach the right audiences on the right platforms because only this way, we can get the most from your advertising. 

Effective approach to creating ads

Facebook and Instagram aren’t like TV, where you need to create 1 single ad to match all of your prospects.

24-years old Emma and 49-years old Joey will have different buyer’s journey and decide to purchase based on different criteria, which is why we need to advertise them with different ad creatives and approach in order to get the best advertising results.

We will create graphics,   image creatives, video ads, animations and landing pages that will present your offers in the right way.

The secret of the companies that advertise effectively?

Most users just won’t buy the very first time they meet your offers in ads. If you’re using the same exact ads to advertise on Facebook to different users, most of them will ignore you.

Together with you, we will create the digital version of your company’s sales process - from a stranger who had never heard of you, to a satisfied client.

Your potential client is interested in different offers and benefits at different stages of their buyer’s journey, and advertising slowly takes them from the first contact to their purchase.

Accurate retargeting, conversion tracking and reactivation

How to smartly invest your every €? 

With precise tracking and targeting throughout entire sales process we will make sure that your prospects see only ads that are relevant to them.

Did they add a product to cart only to later leave your website? Did they almost fill out that lead gen form but something obviously got in their way?

With our help, you can reach those users that are ready to become your clients.

Constant optimization

To guarantee you the best business results, we will optimize the results of each separate ad channels - contact testing of different target audiences, offers, creatives and landing pages combinations.

3x ROAS on cold traffic & 10x ROAS on retargeting traffic for new tech gadget shop.

This client's challenge was entering several new markets with their new products. Not only did they need to increase their sales but also work on their brand recognition and shop growth.

We managed to exceed their performance targets by constantly testing new personalised creatives & ad formats based on their buyer personas and ad platform. We've run performance campaigns, focused on ROAS, and branding campaigns to increase their brand recognition.
"This has been the first time for us to tackle Facebook & Instagram advertising, while on top of that, we were just entering a new market with our brand new online shop - you can imagine there was a tone of new things to juggle! Entering new markets, our main focus was fast profitability and accurate data on results and success in different foreign markets.

We were especially ecstatic about Pixel being open to different forms of our collaboration and their ability to take care of all areas of advertising that we, as online shop, essentially need.

Agency understood we were just starting out and was very keen on advising us, so we see our results exactly where we want them - fast growth and pure performance marketing."

Rok Robida

CEO, Ekolis d.o.o.


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